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The Members of the Zap Clan!
Below are the five members of the Zap Clan. The Zap Clan was made for the sake of fun, and not just for fighting. Very experienced and not so experianced members are on the Zap Clan. If you would like to join the Zap clan or change your rank, click on the link above or click HERE. Be sure to state what you want. (Join Clan or Change Rank)
Member: Blizzard85
Tip: Save your best weapons for last.
Info: The founder of the Worm Hole and the Zap Clan! A USA wormer.
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Member: SpikyWorm
Tip: Kamikaze is the way to fight!
Info: -none-
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Member: CommanderSpadge
Tip: Always try to take out the healthiest worms.
Info: I'm a USA wormer into Half-Life, Homeworld, and other PC games.
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Member: Hardnox
Tip: Play strategicaly! Save the power weapons for last and whenever a worm is near the water... play a short game of baseball!
Info: I am a usa wormer and I also enjoy other games such as Unreal Tournament, Half-Life (both), and Starcraft (also both).
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Member: Skiercody
Tip: Use your rope wisely.
Info: I am a Canadian wormer. I am into programing, Starcraft and Worms (obviously)
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